I Am The Storm


I have a confession to make. I am terrified of thunderstorms.  When I was younger in elementary school, I would become very anxious when it rained at school. So much that it caused my stomach to ache.  As I grew older the fear of thunderstorms wasn’t as intense.  Even today when there is a storm I have to self talk myself through it.  I am also afraid of cats, but I will save that for later.

Storms are powerful, they alter your plans, and sometimes make you seek cover until it passes.  This sounds familiar to the storms that we face in our lives. Storms usually come when our lives are going smoothly.  These storms can appear on our jobs, in our homes,  or at church. You can’t escape the storm.  But you can learn how to keep steady until the storm passes.

You know the storms that I endured in my life, infertility, autism, divorce, moving, and starting over. All of these storms were meant to break me, doubt my faith and question God. Yet, there is something intriguing about storms, just look at the storm chasers that love that thrill.  Think about after the storm when a rainbow appears and the sky clears .  Everything goes back to normal.

Well I have decided to be The Storm.  Now I won’t be a storm that causes destruction or fear.  But I will be powerful, and travel boldly each day.  People will feel my presence without me saying a word.  See all of the storms that were thrown at me were meant to destroy me.  Some of my storms even lasted for years. I am still battling some storms today.

These storms only made me stronger. Now I am in control of my life. I can physically and mentally endure any storm that comes my way.  I actually welcome the storms.  Because I know that when the storm passes and I have conquered that storm or that fear.  I will come out shining brighter than when I entered the storm.


Promise me you won’t hide from the storm but face it head on.  You are mightier and stronger than you know.  Now it is time to let others know your worth and show them your strength.

We are not ready to walk on water or part the Red Sea.  We are ready to be the storm armed with the word of God and faith.


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