Fall In Love… With Your Job


Do you love your job? Or do you need to fall back in love with your job? Take a minute and think about my questions. Can you answer them honestly?

Are you working at your job just because it provides financially for you? Do you have a career that your family encouraged you to pursue? Or do you wake up every day loving what you do so much that it doesn’t feel like work?

I’ll keep this blog short.  I know everyone is excited about the eclipse. And some of you still need to make your cereal box glasses.

Some of you may need to fall back in love with your job again. Reflect on the reasons that you entered your profession. Search your heart and soul and find that passion again.


If you tried that and you still feel depressed, empty or not appreciated. Well, it might be time for you to make some changes.

Change how you view yourself in your company. Change how you interact with your boss and coworkers. Change what you say about your job. Keep it positive and classy.

Work shouldn’t cause you pain, stress or make you want to eat a bag of chips when you get home. Work should be your place to shine. You should have a sense of fulfillment when you leave each day.

Maybe you have your dream job. That is a blessing. If you are working two jobs. I pray that one of them makes you happy. Take the time to fall back in love with your job this week. Rekindle the butterflies and excitement that you experienced on day one. I think I might want to write a love story next!

Do what you love. If you are working at a job that doesn’t bring you joy. You are not fooling anyone. Choose a job that brings you joy. Pray about it, create a vision board or write about your profession. Yes, I know the grass is not greener on the other side.

But if your heart guides you into another direction or an opportunity presents itself. Don’t be so quick turn away.

Happy Monday! Be careful watching the solar eclipse.



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