Christmas Shopping At Walgreens


I was walking around Walgreens waiting for my prescriptions. The aisles were busy and I was thinking if it is this busy in Walgreens, there is no way I am doing any shopping this week.

So I started to think  what if Walgreens was the only store open and I had to do my Christmas shopping here.  Could I be creative? Could I find stocking stuffers for the kids?   Would I want a gift from Walgreens? And the answer is yes to all of these questions.


Before you think I have lost it. Just play along with me.  One creative gift could be the nail polish and a nail file with a cute “mistletoe” reference on it.  These colors are bright and fun and girls would like them.  Next, for the Disney fan they had snow globes, glasses, and coffee mugs. These prices were cheaper than Disney World, just saying.  Then, if you need stocking stuffers, there were ear buds, toys, cards, dominoes, and little trinkets to put in the stocking.



My mom loves to bake. She would love a Kohls gift card.  But she would also be happy with a basket of baker’s goodies.  Dont’ judge. She would yell at me for buying cake mix because she bakes everything from scratch. Walgreens had the cutest tins to put bake goods in and all of the necessities to bake for the holidays.  This would really turn out to be a gift for all of us. Since we would enjoy the desserts she would make.


Gift sets were on all of the end caps.  I wouldn’t mind that Venus Olay set.  I saw Gillette sets for men, cologne/perfume sets and other shampoo sets with name brand products.



imageFor those of you that think I am stretching this a bit. You can never go wrong with a gift card. Some people  think that giving gift cards is not appropriate.  I love receiving gift cards and like giving people the option to select something for themselves.  We all have friends who have everything so a gift card works for them.


You can’t forget a gift for your dog.  I thought that these sets were adorable and on clearance.  A perfect gift for the dog lover in your life.  We have all been in that uncomfortable spot when someone gives you a gift and you don’t have one for them.  I always try to keep a few gifts on hand. Notice I didn’t say I was re-gifting a gift.  These are new gifts that I have in case I need them last-minute.

Now if I was in Michigan shopping at Walgreens I would be able to shop in the wine aisle, for the wine enthusiasts in my life.  A great bottle of wine is a perfect gift and good to have on hand in case you are invited to a party.

Before you leave Walgreens be sure to grab your wrapping paper, batteries and tape.

Sometimes the perfect gifts are right in front of you. After all it is the thought that counts.


3 thoughts on “Christmas Shopping At Walgreens

  1. Funny, this post was on my to-do list but I never got around to it – however, as you noticed, I was able to go next door to Summit Liquors.

    This year, not getting many gifts for my mini men, as all they need is gas money! Happy Holidays my dear!


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